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Current application of ChatGPT in undergraduate nuclear medicine education: Taking Chongqing Medical University as an example


Med Teach. 2024 Sep 21:1-7. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2024.2399673. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Nuclear Medicine(NM), as an inherently interdisciplinary field, integrates diverse scientific principles and advanced imaging techniques. The advent of ChatGPT, a large language model, opens new avenues for medical educational innovation. With its advanced natural language processing abilities and complex algorithms, ChatGPT holds the potential to substantially enrich medical education, particularly in NM.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the current application of ChatGPT in undergraduate Nuclear Medicine Education(NME).

METHODS: Employing a mixed-methods sequential explanatory design, the research investigates the current status of NME, the use of ChatGPT and the attitude towards ChatGPT among teachers and students in the Second Clinical College of Chongqing Medical University.

RESULTS: The investigation yields several salient findings: (1) Students and educators in NM face numerous challenges in the learning process; (2) ChatGPT is found to possess significant applicability and potential benefits in NME; (3) There is a pronounced inclination among respondents to adopt ChatGPT, with a keen interest in its diverse applications within the educational sphere.

CONCLUSION: ChatGPT has been utilized to address the difficulties faced by undergraduates at Chongqing Medical University in NME, and has been applied in various aspects to assist learning. The findings of this survey may offer some insights into how ChatGPT can be integrated into practical medical education.

PMID:39305476 | DOI:10.1080/0142159X.2024.2399673

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