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Dysregulated plasma autoantibodies are associated with B cell dysfunction in young Arab children with autism spectrum disorder in Qatar


Autism Res. 2024 Sep 24. doi: 10.1002/aur.3235. Online ahead of print.


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, as well as the occurrence of stereotyped and repetitive behaviors. Previous studies have provided solid evidence of dysregulated immune system in ASD; however, limited studies have investigated autoantibody profiles in individuals with ASD. This study aims to screen plasma autoantibodies in a well-defined cohort of young children with ASD (n = 100) and their matched controls (n = 60) utilizing a high-throughput KoRectly Expressed (KREX) i-Ome protein-array technology. We identified differential protein expression of 16 autoantibodies in ASD, which were correlated with differential gene expression of these markers in independent ASD cohorts. Meanwhile, we identified a distinct list of 33 autoantibodies associated with ASD severity; several of which were correlated with maternal age and birth weight in ASD. In addition, we found dysregulated numbers of circulating B cells and activated HLADR+ B cells in ASD, which were correlated with altered levels of several autoantibodies. Further in-depth analysis of B cell subpopulations revealed an increased frequency of activated naïve B cells in ASD, as well as an association of resting naïve B cells and transitional B cells with ASD severity. Pathway enrichment analysis revealed disrupted MAPK signaling in ASD, suggesting a potential relevance of this pathway to altered autoantibodies and B cell dysfunction in ASD. Finally, we found that a combination of eight autoantibodies associated with ASD severity showed an area under the curve (ROC-AUC) of 0.937 (95% CI = 0.890, 0.983; p < 0.001), which demonstrated the diagnostic accuracy of the eight-marker signature in the severity classification of ASD cases. Overall, this study determined dysregulated autoantibody profiles and B cell dysfunction in children with ASD and identified an eight-autoantibody panel for ASD severity classification.

PMID:39315457 | DOI:10.1002/aur.3235

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