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Elucidating the clinical and genetic spectrum of inositol polyphosphate phosphatase INPP4A-related neurodevelopmental disorder


Genet Med. 2024 Sep 20:101278. doi: 10.1016/j.gim.2024.101278. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Biallelic INPP4A variants have recently been associated with severe neurodevelopmental disease in single case reports. Here, we expand and elucidate the clinical-genetic spectrum and provide a pathomechanistic explanation for genotype-phenotype correlations.

METHODS: Clinical and genomic investigations of 30 individuals were undertaken alongside molecular and in silico modelling and translation reinitiation studies.

RESULTS: We characterize a clinically variable disorder with cardinal features including global developmental delay, severe-profound intellectual disability, microcephaly, limb weakness, cerebellar signs and short stature. A more severe presentation associated with biallelic INPP4A variants downstream of exon 4 has additional features of (ponto)cerebellar hypoplasia, reduced cerebral volume, peripheral spasticity, contractures, intractable seizures and cortical visual impairment. Our studies identify the likely pathomechanism of this genotype-phenotype correlation entailing translational reinitiation in exon 4 resulting in an N-terminal truncated INPP4A protein retaining partial functionality, associated with less severe disease. We also identified identical reinitiation site conservation in Inpp4a-/- mouse models displaying similar genotype-phenotype correlation. Additionally, we show fibroblasts from a single affected individual exhibit disrupted endocytic trafficking pathways, indicating the potential biological basis of the condition.

CONCLUSION: Our studies comprehensively characterise INPP4A-related neurodevelopmental disorder and suggest genotype-specific clinical assessment guidelines. We propose the potential mechanistic basis of observed genotype-phenotype correlations entails exon 4 translation reinitiation.

PMID:39315527 | DOI:10.1016/j.gim.2024.101278

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