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Experiences, Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Bullying Among School-Going Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study from South India


J Child Adolesc Trauma. 2024 Mar 26;17(3):1-12. doi: 10.1007/s40653-024-00631-8. eCollection 2024 Sep.


Bullying victimisation affects an estimated 30% of individuals worldwide. While the prevalence and risk factors of bullying have been studied in India, comprehensive research on the phenomenon of bullying itself remains scarce. Our objective was to study the experiences, perceptions, and attitudes towards bullying among seventh to ninth-grade students. The study included all seventh to ninth graders (N = 205) from two schools in the Udupi district of South India. To collect information on bullying, we used the Bully Survey – Student Version with appropriate modifications for our context. The mean age of the participants was 13 (1.05) years, with 58% being females. Our findings showed that almost half of the students had bullying roles. Students attending private schools and residing in urban areas were more likely to be victims, bullies, and bully-victims. Seventh and eighth graders experienced higher rates of bullying, whereas ninth graders were more likely to engage in bully behaviours or be bully-victims. Verbal bullying, including name calling, playing jokes, and making fun of others, was more prevalent. No gender differences were observed in verbal or physical bullying. School teachers, staff, and parents were unaware of bullying incidents almost half of the time. Anti-bullying programs should consider these aspects of bullying to be effective.

PMID:39309348 | PMC:PMC11413301 | DOI:10.1007/s40653-024-00631-8

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