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Resilience Informatics: Role of Informatics in Enabling and Promoting Public Health Resilience to Pandemics, Climate Change, and Other Stressors


Interact J Med Res. 2024 Aug 12;13:e54687. doi: 10.2196/54687.


Climate change, local epidemics, future pandemics, and forced displacements pose significant public health threats worldwide. To cope successfully, people and communities are faced with the challenging task of developing resilience to these stressors. Our viewpoint is that the powerful capabilities of modern informatics technologies including artificial intelligence, biomedical and environmental sensors, augmented or virtual reality, data science, and other digital hardware or software, have great potential to promote, sustain, and support resilience in people and communities. However, there is no “one size fits all” solution for resilience. Solutions must match the specific effects of the stressor, cultural dimensions, social determinants of health, technology infrastructure, and many other factors.

PMID:39133540 | DOI:10.2196/54687

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