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Visual experience induces 4-8 Hz synchrony between V1 and higher-order visual areas


Cell Rep. 2023 Nov 22;42(12):113482. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113482. Online ahead of print.


Visual perceptual experience induces persistent 4-8 Hz oscillations in the mouse primary visual cortex (V1), encoding visual familiarity. Recent studies suggest that higher-order visual areas (HVAs) are functionally specialized and segregated into information streams processing distinct visual features. However, whether visual memories are processed and stored within the distinct streams is not understood. We report here that V1 and lateromedial (LM), but not V1 and anterolateral, become more phase synchronized in 4-8 Hz after the entrainment of visual stimulus that maximally induces responses in LM. Directed information analysis reveals changes in the top-down functional connectivity between V1 and HVAs. Optogenetic inactivation of LM reduces post-stimulus oscillation peaks in V1 and impairs visual discrimination behavior. Our results demonstrate that 4-8 Hz familiarity-evoked oscillations are specific for the distinct visual features and are present in the corresponding HVAs, where they may be used for the inter-areal communication with V1 during memory-related behaviors.

PMID:37999977 | DOI:10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113482

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