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Transdiagnostic depression severity and its relationship to global and prefrontal-amygdala structural properties in people with major depression and post-traumatic stress disorder


Cereb Cortex. 2024 Sep 3;34(9):bhae381. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhae381.


While some studies have used a transdiagnostic approach to relate depression to metabolic or functional brain alterations, the structural substrate of depression across clinical diagnostic categories is underexplored. In a cross-sectional study of 52 patients with major depressive disorder and 51 with post-traumatic stress disorder, drug-naïve, and spanning mild to severe depression severity, we examined transdiagnostic depressive correlates with regional gray matter volume and the topological properties of gray matter-based networks. Locally, transdiagnostic depression severity correlated positively with gray matter volume in the right middle frontal gyrus and negatively with nodal topological properties of gray matter-based networks in the right amygdala. Globally, transdiagnostic depression severity correlated positively with normalized characteristic path length, a measure implying brain integration ability. Compared with 62 healthy control participants, both major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder patients showed altered nodal properties in regions of the fronto-limbic-striatal circuit, and global topological organization in major depressive disorder in particular was characterized by decreased integration and segregation. These findings provide evidence for a gray matter-based structural substrate underpinning depression, with the prefrontal-amygdala circuit a potential predictive marker for depressive symptoms across clinical diagnostic categories.

PMID:39315647 | DOI:10.1093/cercor/bhae381

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