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A Case of Accidental Autoerotic Death by Hanging Linked to Erotic Photography


Cureus. 2024 Jul 22;16(7):e65087. doi: 10.7759/cureus.65087. eCollection 2024 Jul.


Autoerotic death, as a subtype of mechanical asphyxia, refers to a person’s fatal outcome while engaging in solitary sexual activity using various devices and methods to reduce oxygen supply and induce cerebral hypoxia, leading to increased sexual gratification. These asphyxial deaths are accidental and sporadic. In cases of sexual asphyxia, especially when strangulation methods such as hanging or ligature are used, thorough crime scene investigation is crucial to determine the type of asphyxia and the manner of death. Inadequate information about specific crime scene findings can lead to significant errors in determining the manner of death and the type of strangulation, potentially leading to cases being mistaken for ligature strangulation in a homicidal manner or hanging in a suicidal manner.

PMID:39171049 | PMC:PMC11337238 | DOI:10.7759/cureus.65087

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