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Adaptive and Maladaptive Exercise in Eating Disorders


Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 2024 Jul 24. doi: 10.1007/7854_2024_499. Online ahead of print.


While exercise is generally associated with positive health outcomes, in the context of eating disorders, exercise has high potential to become maladaptive. Maladaptive exercise is compelled or compulsive in nature for the purposes of weight and shape control or to obtain/avoid other eating disorder-relevant consequences. A transdiagnostic eating disorder feature with moderate-to-high prevalence across restrictive- and bulimic-spectrum eating disorders, maladaptive exercise is often associated with negative mental and physical health sequalae. Several proposed threat- and reward-related biobehavioral mechanisms may initiate or perpetuate maladaptive exercise. While exercise is generally contraindicated during periods of acute medical concern, adaptive forms of exercise are also present among those with eating disorders, and facilitation of adaptive exercise has potential to promote physical and mental health benefits during eating disorder recovery. Detailed assessment and targeted interventions are needed to address the clinical conundrum of how and when to integrate exercise into eating disorder treatment.

PMID:39042250 | DOI:10.1007/7854_2024_499

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