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Advances in understanding the immunity of the brain and its borders: Focus on brain macrophages


Clin Transl Med. 2024 Sep;14(9):e70014. doi: 10.1002/ctm2.70014.


A recent study outlines the phenotypes of brain border region macrophages in developing, normal and glioblastoma-affected brains. For the first time, the authors show in-vivo turnover of human brain border macrophages. The findings have implications for the understanding of brain border immunity and potential macrophage targeting therapies. KEYPOINTS: Human border region macrophages are distinct from microglia. These distinct phenotypes are established early during embryonal development – Brain border macrophages are partially replaced by bone marrow-derived myeloid cells. The transcriptional phenotypes of glioblastoma-associated macrophage are determined by the anatomical region.

PMID:39192506 | DOI:10.1002/ctm2.70014

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