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Amitriptyline nanoparticle repositioning prolongs the anti-allodynic effect of enhanced microglia targeting


Nanomedicine (Lond). 2024 Sep 4:1-14. doi: 10.1080/17435889.2024.2390349. Online ahead of print.


Aim: Amitriptyline (AMI) has been used to treat neuropathic pain. However, the clinical outcomes remain unsatisfactory, presumably due to a limited understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms. Here, we investigated a drug repositioning strategy using a low-dose of AMI encapsulated in poly (D, L lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles (AMI NPs) for neuropathic pain, since PLGA nanoparticles are known to enhance delivery to microglia.Methods: We evaluated the anti-allodynic effects of AMI and AMI NPs on neuropathic pain by assessing behaviors and inflammatory responses in a rat model of spinal nerve ligation (SNL). While the anti-allodynic effect of AMI (30 μg) drug injection on SNL-induced neuropathic pain persisted for 12 h, AMI NPs significantly alleviated mechanical allodynia for 3 days.Results: Histological and cytokine analyses showed AMI NPs facilitated the reduction of microglial activation and pro-inflammatory mediators in the spinal dorsal horn. This study suggests that AMI NPs can provide a sustained anti-allodynic effect by enhancing the targeting of microglia and regulating the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines from activated microglia.Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the use of microglial-targeted NPs continuously releasing AMI (2 μg) as a drug repositioning strategy offers long-term anti-allodynic effects.

PMID:39229790 | DOI:10.1080/17435889.2024.2390349

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