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Areal specializations in the morpho-electric and transcriptomic properties of primate layer 5 extratelencephalic projection neurons


Cell Rep. 2024 Sep 14;43(9):114718. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114718. Online ahead of print.


Large-scale analysis of single-cell gene expression has revealed transcriptomically defined cell subclasses present throughout the primate neocortex with gene expression profiles that differ depending upon neocortical region. Here, we test whether the interareal differences in gene expression translate to regional specializations in the physiology and morphology of infragranular glutamatergic neurons by performing Patch-seq experiments in brain slices from the temporal cortex (TCx) and motor cortex (MCx) of the macaque. We confirm that transcriptomically defined extratelencephalically projecting neurons of layer 5 (L5 ET neurons) include retrogradely labeled corticospinal neurons in the MCx and find multiple physiological properties and ion channel genes that distinguish L5 ET from non-ET neurons in both areas. Additionally, while infragranular ET and non-ET neurons retain distinct neuronal properties across multiple regions, there are regional morpho-electric and gene expression specializations in the L5 ET subclass, providing mechanistic insights into the specialized functional architecture of the primate neocortex.

PMID:39277859 | DOI:10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114718

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Areal specializations in the morpho-electric and transcriptomic properties of primate layer 5 extratelencephalic projection neurons

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