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Cardiovascular Risk Related to Glomerular Hyperfiltration in Nondiabetic Individuals: Increasing Visibility is Crucial


Curr Hypertens Rev. 2023 Nov 24. doi: 10.2174/0115734021268893231116045914. Online ahead of print.


Glomerular hyperfiltration (GHF), defined by different estimation formulas, has been widely studied as a predictor of proteinuria and progression to chronic kidney disease (CKD) in diabetic patients. GHF is also an important cardiovascular (CV) risk factor and is related to all-cause mortality in non-diabetic populations; however, the upper limit of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) above which it indicates the presence of GHF is weakly defined. This higher risk is as high as in the intermediate stages of CKD and is greater than the presence of diabetes or smok-ing and is still present in non-albuminuria patients. The original Chronic Kidney Disease Epide-miology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) estimation GFR formula showed lower error at higher glo-merular filtration (GF) values, was the most used in population studies, and behaved as a better risk predictor. In our review (including approximately 3.6 million individuals), higher GFR val-ues related to increased mortality risk varied from 106.6 to 113.7 ml/min, which are usually not considered risk values for standard guidelines in non-albuminuric patients. However, the lack of consensus on a GF cutoff value, as well as its variability due to sex and progressive reduction with age, affect the knowledge of this serious phenomenon in clinical practice. Although the el-derly population is not exempted from the effects of GHF, the search for this phenomenon should be intensified in middle-aged populations because of their lower disease burden, where this situation may be more evident, and the possibility of reversing the consequences is greater. A population group often considered healthy includes obese people, essential hypertensives, smokers, and carriers of fatty liver, where the GHF phenomenon is frequent and is associated with CV disease, kidney disease, and higher mortality. Increasing its visibility by the medical community is essential to reduce the effects of GHF, emphasizing more frequent controls and implementing general measures that include strict control of hypertension, Na restriction, rich in vegetables diets and increased physical activity. Initiatives to confirm the beneficial effects of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors to treat isolated GHF would be an important break-through in reducing the severe consequences of this phenomenon.

PMID:38018215 | DOI:10.2174/0115734021268893231116045914

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