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Change in Depression Severity Among Depressed Older Crime Victims


Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol. 2024 Jul 24:306624X241254686. doi: 10.1177/0306624X241254686. Online ahead of print.


The crime rates in urban centers are rising. The psychological impact of crime can range from distress to longstanding mental health impairment. Despite the rising crime rates and psychological impact on victims, little research has been conducted on older adult crime victims’ mental health. In this manuscript we describe the profile of older adult crime victims in New York City referred for mental health services, their rates of depression, and the preliminary outcome data from a brief therapy intervention (PROTECT) targeting depression among victims. Building on prior research demonstrating the efficacy of PROTECT for depressive symptom reduction in elder abuse victims, the present study hypothesized elder crime victims who completed PROTECT therapy would demonstrate clinically meaningful depression symptom reduction as measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Additionally, it was hypothesized that these clinically significant depression symptom reductions would be demonstrated regardless of sex, gender, victimization type, victimization frequency, or living status. The results demonstrate that 67.7% (21/31) of participants had a clinically significant reduction in PHQ-9 scores (5 points) upon completion of PROTECT. There were no significant group differences in clinically significant depression symptom reduction, suggesting that PROTECT is an effective intervention for a diverse sample of elder crime victims. Future research should focus on the mental health impact of crime against older adults and explore reductions in anxiety and PTSD symptoms among crime victims. Through our partnerships we aim to bridge the divide between victim service providers, and mental health service providers to assist victims to recover, heal, and thrive.

PMID:39045726 | DOI:10.1177/0306624X241254686

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