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Continuity of Nursing Service Platform under “Smart Elderly Care” and Its Application Value in Family Nursing of Elderly Patients after Discharge


Altern Ther Health Med. 2024 Jul 19:AT10193. Online ahead of print.


To explore the effect of continuity of nursing (CON) service platform application under “smart elderly care (SEC)” on family nursing of elderly patients with chronic diseases (CDs) after discharge. 200 elderly patients with CDs treated in Medical Care Ward, Zhejiang Hospital were included and grouped into the control group (CG) and experimental group (EG) in line with the sequential order of admission (100 cases per group). After discharge, routine nursing and smart CON services were given, respectively. 36-Item Short Form Questionnaire (SF-36) score of quality of life (QOL), Barthel index (BI) score of activity of daily living (ADL), Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) score of depression, Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) score of anxiety, compliance, and nursing satisfaction were compared. Compared to CG, SF-36 score and BI score were highly increased in EG 0 months (mo) and 3 mo after discharge, while SDS and SAS scores were greatly decreased (all P < .001). The compliance rate was 70% in CG and 93% in EG during the follow-up period. The nursing satisfaction rate of CG reached 92%, while that of EG was 97%. Compared with CG, the compliance and nursing satisfaction rates of EG were notably higher (P < .001). It was illustrated that the smart CON service model could enhance the effect of discharged family nursing for elderly patients with CDs, improve patients’ mental status and QOL, and raise nursing compliance. Therefore, it was conducive to the rehabilitation of patients. The findings of this study highlight the transformative potential of smart CON service models in enhancing the effectiveness of family nursing for elderly patients with CDs post-discharge. Embracing these innovative approaches has the potential to not only improve individual patient outcomes but also contribute to the advancement of patient-centered care practices and healthcare delivery systems on a broader scale.


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Continuity of Nursing Service Platform under “Smart Elderly Care” and Its Application Value in Family Nursing of Elderly Patients after Discharge

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