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Contributors to Underdiagnosis of ADHD among Asian Americans: A Narrative Review


J Atten Disord. 2024 Jul 31:10870547241264113. doi: 10.1177/10870547241264113. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: Rates of ADHD are lowest among Asian American children (1-6.1%) compared to all other major ethnic and racial groups in the US, but there is limited literature on reasons for the disparity in estimated prevalence rates.

METHOD: We conducted a narrative review to integrate the literature on ADHD in children in Asian countries with that on ADHD among Asian American youth to highlight potential explanations for disparities in ADHD diagnosis and treatment among Asian American children relative to other racial and ethnic groups.

RESULTS: Factors possibly contributing to the low estimated prevalence rates of ADHD among Asian American children include: a higher proportion of Inattentive ADHD presentation among Chinese, Malaysian, and Indian children; racial bias and the influence of the Model Minority Myth; cultural differences in classroom identification; mental health stigma in Asian American communities; parent perception of ADHD as misbehavior rather than a neurodevelopmental disorder; and parent support for children’s academic activities that may mask impairment.

CONCLUSION: We offer recommendations to inform individual and community-level psychoeducation, and new directions for research to address this health disparity.

PMID:39082427 | DOI:10.1177/10870547241264113

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