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Data-driven and equation-free methods for neurological disorders: analysis and control of the striatum network


Front Netw Physiol. 2024 Aug 7;4:1399347. doi: 10.3389/fnetp.2024.1399347. eCollection 2024.


The striatum as part of the basal ganglia is central to both motor, and cognitive functions. Here, we propose a large-scale biophysical network for this part of the brain, using modified Hodgkin-Huxley dynamics to model neurons, and a connectivity informed by a detailed human atlas. The model shows different spatio-temporal activity patterns corresponding to lower (presumably normal) and increased cortico-striatal activation (as found in, e.g., obsessive-compulsive disorder), depending on the intensity of the cortical inputs. By applying equation-free methods, we are able to perform a macroscopic network analysis directly from microscale simulations. We identify the mean synaptic activity as the macroscopic variable of the system, which shows similarity with local field potentials. The equation-free approach results in a numerical bifurcation and stability analysis of the macroscopic dynamics of the striatal network. The different macroscopic states can be assigned to normal/healthy and pathological conditions, as known from neurological disorders. Finally, guided by the equation-free bifurcation analysis, we propose a therapeutic close loop control scheme for the striatal network.

PMID:39171120 | PMC:PMC11335688 | DOI:10.3389/fnetp.2024.1399347

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