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Depressive disorders in Chinese left-behind children and adolescents from Yunnan province: prevalence and association with self-harm behaviors


Arch Public Health. 2024 Sep 18;82(1):161. doi: 10.1186/s13690-024-01393-3.


BACKGROUND: The prevalence of clinically diagnosed depressive disorders (DD) in Chinese left-behind children (LBC) remains unknown. We aim to estimate the prevalence of DD, discuss the associations between DD and self-harm (SH) behaviors in a large representative sample of Chinese LBCs chosen from Yunnan province.

METHODS: A total of 5462 LBCs were selected from the most recent datasets of the Mental Health Survey for Children and Adolescents in Yunnan (MHSCAY), a mega population-based two-phase cross-sectional survey. Weighted prevalence rates and designed Logistic regression were adopted to estimate the prevalence of DD and the association between DD and SH.

RESULTS: The weighted prevalence of lifetime and current DD were 4.22% (95% CI: 3.13-6.00%) and 3.84% (95% CI: 2.85-5.00%) in Chinese LBCs. Higher lifetime and current DD prevalence rates were observed in girls and those reported adverse parental marital status and SH behaviors. The absence of DD was associated with significantly decreased odds of SH behavior (OR = 0.06), repetitive SH (OR = 0.09), using multiple SH methods (OR = 0.09), and severe SH (OR = 0.15). Subsequently performed stratified analyses identified prominent effect modification by sex and age, as a stronger association between DD and SH was found in girls (OR = 0.02 versus OR = 0.07 in boys) and younger adolescents (OR = 0.08 versus OR = 0.22 in older adolescents).

CONCLUSION: The prevalence of DD was high in Chinese LBCs. DD was associated with prominently increased risk of SH behaviors in LBCs. Attention and intervention are needed in this vulnerable population.

PMID:39294695 | DOI:10.1186/s13690-024-01393-3

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