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Estimating the total variance explained by whole-brain imaging for zero-inflated outcomes


Commun Biol. 2024 Jul 9;7(1):836. doi: 10.1038/s42003-024-06504-y.


There is a dearth of statistical models that adequately capture the total signal attributed to whole-brain imaging features. The total signal is often widely distributed across the brain, with individual imaging features exhibiting small effect sizes for predicting neurobehavioral phenotypes. The challenge of capturing the total signal is compounded by the distribution of neurobehavioral data, particularly responses to psychological questionnaires, which often feature zero-inflated, highly skewed outcomes. To close this gap, we have developed a novel Variational Bayes algorithm that characterizes the total signal captured by whole-brain imaging features for zero-inflated outcomes. Our zero-inflated variance (ZIV) estimator estimates the fraction of variance explained (FVE) and the proportion of non-null effects (PNN) from large-scale imaging data. In simulations, ZIV demonstrates superior performance over other linear models. When applied to data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive DevelopmentSM (ABCD) Study, we found that whole-brain imaging features contribute to a larger FVE for externalizing behaviors compared to internalizing behaviors. Moreover, focusing on features contributing to the PNN, ZIV estimator localized key neurocircuitry associated with neurobehavioral traits. To the best of our knowledge, the ZIV estimator is the first specialized method for analyzing zero-inflated neuroimaging data, enhancing future studies on brain-behavior relationships and improving the understanding of neurobehavioral disorders.

PMID:38982203 | DOI:10.1038/s42003-024-06504-y

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