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Familial hemiplegic migraine


Handb Clin Neurol. 2024;203:135-144. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90820-7.00007-0.


Hemiplegic migraine consists of attacks of migraine with aura that includes reversible motor weakness. It is classified as familial or sporadic depending on the involvement or not of a first or second degree relative. The most described subtypes of familial hemiplegic migraine include FHM1, FHM2, and FHM3. These have been demonstrated to have a mutation in either CACNA1A, ATP1A2 or SCN1A, which encode different subunits of channels, involving P/Q-type calcium channel, Na/K pump and Na channel, respectively, located in neurons and glial cells. Mutations localized in different genes are defined as “other loci.” Patients with a known mutation can have different genetic penetrance, and may present a more complex and disabling phenotype that develops earlier in life. The clinical manifestations can be similar in the three mutations, including neurologic comorbidities other than muscular weakness, such as episodes of loss of consciousness, epilepsy, gait or limb ataxia or movement disorders, among others. Treatment includes antiepileptics such as lamotrigine, valproate or topiramate, calcium blockers such as flunarizine or verapamil and acetazolamide.

PMID:39174245 | DOI:10.1016/B978-0-323-90820-7.00007-0

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