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Gender socialization and adolescent pregnancies in Togo


Afr J Reprod Health. 2024 Aug 31;28(8s):93-98. doi: 10.29063/ajrh2024/v28i8s.10.


The aim of this article is to understand the significance of the gender socialisation of adolescents and its impact on sexuality. This socio-anthropological study is based on qualitative surveys conducted as part of two action-research programmes implemented between 2018 and 2022 in Togo. The empirical data comes from individual semi-directed interviews, group interviews and life stories relating to the themes of sexuality, early pregnancy and gender-based violence. The results show that in these patriarchal societies, the socialisation of adolescents is structured around gender relations. The social construction of masculinity is based on a position of decision-making power for young boys, while that of femininity inculcates submissive behaviour in young girls. In these contexts, many young girls, even if they do attend school, find it difficult to express their opinions on matters of love and sex.

PMID:39270034 | DOI:10.29063/ajrh2024/v28i8s.10

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