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Hematemesis in Children: A Potential Sign of Parental Psychiatric Disorder


Cureus. 2024 Jun 9;16(6):e61985. doi: 10.7759/cureus.61985. eCollection 2024 Jun.


Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a rare form of abuse characterized by the fabrication or induction of symptoms of illness in a child by a close relative, typically a parent, leading to multiple consultations and varying degrees of invasive medical interventions. Various clinical presentations are described in the literature, ranging from organic manifestations to psychiatric expressions. This syndrome remains a challenging diagnosis to make and requires increased awareness among healthcare professionals. Prompt recognition is key to preventing potential long-term comorbidities and even fatalities. Here, we are reporting two cases of MSBP manifested by bleeding, with the perpetrator being the mother.

PMID:38983992 | PMC:PMC11232476 | DOI:10.7759/cureus.61985

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