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Hidden in plain sight: how individual ADHD stakeholders have conflicting ideas about ADHD but do not address their own ambivalence


Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 Sep 9. doi: 10.1007/s00787-023-02290-w. Online ahead of print.


Psychiatric classifications refer to clusters of behavioral symptoms. We know much about how psychiatric classifications are intended to be used in theory. Yet the scientific study of the practice of classification to date is limited. We aimed to explore how individuals navigate and make sense of the complexity surrounding an ADHD classification. We used thematic analysis to analyse stakeholder perspectives from seven focus groups: adults classified with ADHD, adolescents classified with ADHD, parents of children classified with ADHD, clinicians, researchers, teachers, and policy makers. We found seven themes in how stakeholders navigate the classification ADHD. Yet, what stood out was an overarching discursive pattern: individual stakeholders expressed highly ambivalent ideas about ADHD but did not address their own ambivalence. We suggest that promoting a social kinds perspective on ADHD may help us navigate the complexity and ambivalence associated with ADHD more competently.

PMID:37688613 | DOI:10.1007/s00787-023-02290-w

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