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Immunobiotic Bacteria Attenuate Hepatic Fibrosis through the Modulation of Gut Microbiota and the Activation of Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptors Pathway in Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Mice


Mol Nutr Food Res. 2024 Jun 20:e2400227. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.202400227. Online ahead of print.


SCOPE: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a leading cause of chronic liver disease worldwide that can progress to liver fibrosis (LF). Probiotics have beneficial roles in reducing intestinal inflammation and gut-associated diseases, but their effects and mechanisms beyond the gut in attenuating the progression of LF are remained unclear.

METHODS AND RESULTS: In a mouse model of NASH/LF induced by a methionine-choline deficient (MCD) diet, immunobiotics are administered to investigate their therapeutic effects. Results show that the MCD diet leads to liver inflammation, steatosis, and fibrosis, which are alleviated by immunobiotics. Immunobiotics reduces serum endotoxin and inflammatory markers while increasing regulatory cytokines and liver weight. They also suppress Th17 cells, known for producing inflammatory cytokines. Furthermore, immunobiotics mitigate collagen deposition and fibrogenic signaling in the liver, while restoring gut-barrier integrity and microbiota composition. Additionally, immunobiotics enhance the activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway in both colonic and liver tissues.

CONCLUSIONS: Overall, these results demonstrate a novel insight into the mechanisms through which immunobiotic administration improves the gut health which in turn increases the AhR pathway and inhibits HSCs activation and fibrosis progression beyond the gut in the liver tissue of NASH/LF mice.

PMID:39031898 | DOI:10.1002/mnfr.202400227

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Immunobiotic Bacteria Attenuate Hepatic Fibrosis through the Modulation of Gut Microbiota and the Activation of Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptors Pathway in Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Mice

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Immunobiotic Bacteria Attenuate Hepatic Fibrosis through the Modulation of Gut Microbiota and the Activation of Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptors Pathway in Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Mice

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Immunobiotic Bacteria Attenuate Hepatic Fibrosis through the Modulation of Gut Microbiota and the Activation of Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptors Pathway in Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Mice

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