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Investigating the neurodevelopmental correlates of early adolescent-onset emotional problems


J Affect Disord. 2024 Aug 10:S0165-0327(24)01223-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2024.08.008. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Emotional problems (EPs) increase sharply after mid-adolescence. Earlier EPs are associated with poorer long-term outcomes, and their underlying mechanisms may differ to later-onset EPs. Given an established relationship between ADHD, autism, and later depression, we aimed to examine associations between neurodevelopmental conditions and correlates and early adolescent-onset EPs.

METHODS: Adolescents in two UK population cohorts, Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) and Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), were included. Individuals scoring >6 on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) emotional problems subscale between ages 11-14 were defined as having early adolescent-onset EP, whilst those scoring >6 for the first time at 16-25 were defined as having later-onset EP. We tested associations between early adolescent-onset EP (total cases = 887, controls = 19,582) and ICD-10/DSM-5 neurodevelopmental conditions and known correlates, including: sex, birth complications, low cognitive ability, special educational needs (SEND), and epilepsy. Analyses were conducted separately in ALSPAC and MCS then meta-analysed.

RESULTS: In the meta-analysis of both cohorts, early adolescent-onset EPs were associated with female sex and greater likelihood of low cognitive ability, SEND, autism, ADHD, and reading difficulties. Compared to later-onset EP, early adolescent-onset EPs were associated with male sex, low cognitive ability, SEND, epilepsy, ASD, ADHD, and reading difficulties.

LIMITATIONS: A clinical definition of depression/anxiety was available only in ALSPAC, instead we primarily defined EP via questionnaires, which capture a broader phenotype.

CONCLUSIONS: Individuals with early adolescent-onset EP are likely to have a co-occurring neurodevelopmental condition. Clinicians should consider assessing for neurodevelopmental conditions in young adolescents with EPs.

PMID:39134151 | DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2024.08.008

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