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Key stakeholders’ perspectives of illicit drug use and associated harms in the Northern Territory of Australia


Harm Reduct J. 2024 Sep 20;21(1):174. doi: 10.1186/s12954-024-01092-w.


BACKGROUND: In the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia, there are significant evidence gaps about illicit drug use and harms, despite having established monitoring and reporting systems. This paper reports on illicit drug use, associated harms, contributing factors, service needs and priorities in the NT from the perspective and experiences of key stakeholders engaged in providing services for, or advocating on behalf of, people who use illicit drugs in the NT.

METHODS: Face-to-face and online qualitative interviews were conducted with stakeholders across urban and remote locations in the NT. Key stakeholders were service providers, including acute and primary care clinicians, representatives of Aboriginal community controlled health organisations, lived experience advocates, peak body representatives and public health executives. Qualitative data were analysed thematically.

RESULTS: Four researchers interviewed 21 participants across urban (62%), and remote areas (38%) of the NT. Themes identified were: (1) Illicit drug use and harms are diverse and distinct; (2) Client support needs are complex and influenced by co-morbidities, socio-demographic and cultural factors; (3) Priority population sub-groups need targeted strategies; (4) Local service strengths can be further developed and enhanced; (5) Local services need better resourcing; (6) Invest in progressive legislative and policy reforms; and (7) Improve routine monitoring and evaluation.

CONCLUSIONS: Key stakeholders described illicit drug use, harms and contributing factors, which provided insights into the local challenges. Participants emphasised that clients have complex care needs, and further investment into targeted strategies are required to improve service engagement with priority groups. Service needs included greater understanding the role of dual diagnosis and its implementation and enhancing integrated and collaborative care in both primary health and acute care contexts. The voices of people with lived experience captured in this paper must inform local strategy and policy development relating to illicit drug use, in alignment with national strategy.

PMID:39300519 | DOI:10.1186/s12954-024-01092-w

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