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Kufor-Rakeb syndrome-associated psychosis: a novel loss-of-function ATP13A2 variant and response to antipsychotic therapy


Neurogenetics. 2024 Jul 18. doi: 10.1007/s10048-024-00767-7. Online ahead of print.


Biallelic (autosomal recessive) pathogenic variants in ATP13A2 cause a form of juvenile-onset parkinsonism, termed Kufor-Rakeb syndrome. In addition to motor symptoms, a variety of other neurological and psychiatric symptoms may occur in affected individuals, including supranuclear gaze palsy and cognitive decline. Although psychotic symptoms are often reported, response to antipsychotic therapy is not well described in previous case reports/series. As such, we describe treatment response in an individual with Kufor-Rakeb syndrome-associated psychosis. His disease was caused by a homozygous novel loss-of-function ATP13A2 variant (NM_022089.4, c.1970_1975del) that was characterized in this study. Our patient exhibited a good response to quetiapine monotherapy, which he has so far tolerated well. We also reviewed the literature and summarized all previous descriptions of antipsychotic treatment response. Although its use has infrequently been described in Kufor-Rakeb syndrome, quetiapine is commonly used in other degenerative parkinsonian disorders, given its lower propensity to cause extrapyramidal symptoms. As such, quetiapine should be considered in the treatment of Kufor-Rakeb syndrome-associated psychosis when antipsychotic therapy is deemed necessary.

PMID:39023817 | DOI:10.1007/s10048-024-00767-7

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