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Medical students in distress: a mixed methods approach to understanding the impact of debt on well-being


BMC Med Educ. 2024 Aug 30;24(1):947. doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-05927-9.


BACKGROUND: Nearly three in four U.S. medical students graduate with debt in six-figure dollar amounts which impairs students emotionally and academically and impacts their career choices and lives long after graduation. Schools have yet to develop systems-level solutions to address the impact of debt on students’ well-being. The objectives of this study were to identify students at highest risk for debt-related stress, define the impact on medical students’ well-being, and to identify opportunities for intervention.

METHODS: This was a mixed methods, cross-sectional study that used quantitative survey analysis and human-centered design (HCD). We performed a secondary analysis on a national multi-institutional survey on medical student wellbeing, including univariate and multivariate logistic regression, a comparison of logistic regression models with interaction terms, and analysis of free text responses. We also conducted semi-structured interviews with a sample of medical student respondents and non-student stakeholders to develop insights and design opportunities.

RESULTS: Independent risk factors for high debt-related stress included pre-clinical year (OR 1.75), underrepresented minority (OR 1.40), debt $20-100 K (OR 4.85), debt >$100K (OR 13.22), private school (OR 1.45), West Coast region (OR 1.57), and consideration of a leave of absence for wellbeing (OR 1.48). Mental health resource utilization (p = 0.968) and counselors (p = 0.640) were not protective factors against debt-related stress. HCD analysis produced 6 key insights providing additional context to the quantitative findings, and associated opportunities for intervention.

CONCLUSIONS: We used an innovative combination of quantitative survey analysis and in-depth HCD exploration to develop a multi-dimensional understanding of debt-related stress among medical students. This approach allowed us to identify significant risk factors impacting medical students experiencing debt-related stress, while providing context through stakeholder voices to identify opportunities for system-level solutions.

PMID:39215314 | DOI:10.1186/s12909-024-05927-9

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