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Nurse Certification and Test Anxiety


J Nurs Adm. 2024 Jul-Aug 01;54(7-8):422-426. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000001451.


OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between scores on the Westside Test Anxiety Scale (WTAS) and nurse certification rates.

BACKGROUND: Nurse certification is associated with improved outcomes. Understanding intrinsic factors associated with low certification rates including test anxiety could help nurse leaders improve certification rates.

METHODS: This descriptive, correlational study used a convenience sample of 577 RNs with at least 2 years of nursing experience. Participants completed a survey of their demographics and the 10-question WTAS.

RESULTS: Certified nurses were significantly older and had more years of experience. Noncertified nurses had significantly higher scores on the WTAS.

CONCLUSIONS: Facilities working to increase their nurse certification rates may consider adding test anxiety reduction interventions to other levels of support.

PMID:39028564 | DOI:10.1097/NNA.0000000000001451

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