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Protocol for a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of PRoGRAM-A (preventing gambling-related harm in adolescents): a secondary school-based social network intervention


Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2024 Aug 13;10(1):109. doi: 10.1186/s40814-024-01537-w.


BACKGROUND: In the UK, recent evidence of young people and gambling indicates a higher prevalence of gambling in comparison to other addictive behaviours. Engaging in gambling-related behaviour at a young age is associated with short and long-term consequences, including financial, emotional, academic, interpersonal, and physical and mental health detriments; otherwise known as gambling-related harms (GRH). Given the unique vulnerability of this younger group, early interventions aimed at delaying or preventing gambling are critical. PRoGRAM-A (Preventing Gambling-Related Harm in Adolescents) is a school-based, social network intervention to protect young people from future GRH, by delaying or preventing gambling experimentation.

METHODS: Pilot cluster RCT with an embedded process evaluation and health economic scoping study.

PARTICIPANTS: PRoGRAM-A will be delivered in four schools, with two control schools acting as a comparator. All are secondary schools in Scotland. Baseline surveys were conducted with students in S3 (ages 13-14). Follow-up surveys were conducted with the same cohort, six months post-baseline.

INTERVENTION: PRoGRAM-A trainers will deliver a 2-day, out-of-school training workshop to Peer supporters. Peer supporters will be nominated by peers among their school year group (S3, age 13-14). Workshops will provide peer supporters with information on four gambling-related topics: (1) what is gambling? (2) gambling and gaming, (3) gambling marketing, (4) identifying harm and reducing risk. Peer supporters will disseminate the information (message diffusion) they have learned among their friends and family over a 10-week period. After the 2-day workshop, PRoGRAM-A trainers will conduct × 3 in-school follow-up sessions with peer supporters to offer support, encouragement, and advice to Peer Supporters as well as monitor and explore the extent of their message diffusion.

PRIMARY OUTCOME: The primary outcome of the pilot cluster RCT (cRCT) will be whether progression to a phase III RCT is justified.

DISCUSSION: This will be the first pilot cluster RCT (cRCT) of an intervention to prevent gambling-related harms among young people within the UK. If findings indicate feasibility and acceptability, funding will be sought for a phase III RCT of effectiveness.

TRIAL REGISTRATION: Researchregistry8699. Registered 21st February 2023.

PMID:39138530 | DOI:10.1186/s40814-024-01537-w

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