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Qualitative Evaluation of Acceptability and Feasibility of a Behavioral Intervention to Reduce Violence Among Young Adults with Early Psychosis


Community Ment Health J. 2024 Aug 22. doi: 10.1007/s10597-024-01343-x. Online ahead of print.


Young adults with early psychosis are at higher risk of violent behavior, but no studies have explored using CBT-based interventions to reduce violence in specialized early intervention services (EIS) settings. This study describes formative research about the acceptability and feasibility of the Psychological Intervention for Complex PTSD and Schizophrenia-Spectrum disorder (PICASSO) to reduce violence, using interviews with EIS participants and staff. Generated themes regarding acceptability included negative experiences of violence and the desire to control and minimize violence. Themes regarding feasibility raised concerns about time constraints, consistency of participation in the intervention, and implementation issues in the context of stigma related to both psychosis and perpetration of violence. Findings from this study suggest there is a need for an intervention addressing violence risk. If adequate resources are devoted to addressing implementation issues, a CBT intervention for violence like PICASSO appears both acceptable and feasible for EIS participants and staff.

PMID:39172311 | DOI:10.1007/s10597-024-01343-x

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