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Quality of Work Life and Mental Well-Being for Long-Term Care Staff in Nova Scotia


Healthc Policy. 2024 Aug;19(4):32-41. doi: 10.12927/hcpol.2024.27348.


This study assesses the quality of work life for Nova Scotian continuing care assistants (CCAs) (n = 266), nurses (n = 144) and managers (n = 45) from 10 long-term care (LTC) homes in late 2021. CCAs scored significantly worse than nurses and managers on measures of mental health and anxiety. All groups reported high levels of cynicism and emotional exhaustion; CCAs’ scores were higher than nurses or managers. CCAs scored significantly higher on professional efficacy than other groups. CCAs can derive a strong sense of accomplishment from their work, but results raise concerns of a potential breaking point. This suggests the need for continued action to support LTC staff.

PMID:39229661 | DOI:10.12927/hcpol.2024.27348

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