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Recorded Rates of Trauma-Exposure in a Retrospective Epidemiologically Complete First-Episode Psychosis Cohort


Early Interv Psychiatry. 2024 Aug 31. doi: 10.1111/eip.13610. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Trauma plays an important role in the development and maintenance of psychosis. However, it is still under-examined in daily clinical practice. The current study investigated the rates of recording of trauma-exposure in the clinical histories of a first-episode psychosis (FEP) cohort attending an early intervention psychosis service.

METHODS: This study used a retrospective chart review methodology in a 6-year epidemiologically complete FEP cohort attending an early intervention psychosis service. The Trauma and Life Events Checklist was used to define the rate and types of trauma-exposure reported in clinical histories. The relationships were examined between recorded trauma-exposure and positive and negative symptoms, depression and duration of untreated psychosis at first assessment.

RESULTS: Trauma-exposure was frequently recorded within clinical histories. Childhood trauma-exposure was recorded in 47.4% of the sample, which is lower than may be expected. No significant relationships between the recorded trauma-exposure and symptom measures were found. A significant relationship was found between interpersonal stressors and positive symptoms, and work-related stress and negative symptoms, highlighting the importance of proximal stressful life events.

DISCUSSION: This study found that clinicians were frequently recording trauma-exposure in daily practice. However, it was unclear whether the recording of trauma-exposure highlighted led to systematic diagnosis, assessment or treatment of trauma for people with psychosis. The importance of treatment and service planning to include information about trauma-exposure is discussed.

PMID:39215565 | DOI:10.1111/eip.13610

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