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Rescue path planning for urban flood: A deep reinforcement learning-based approach


Risk Anal. 2024 Aug 11. doi: 10.1111/risa.17599. Online ahead of print.


Urban flooding is among the costliest natural disasters worldwide. Timely and effective rescue path planning is crucial for minimizing loss of life and property. However, current research on path planning often fails to adequately consider the need to assess area risk uncertainties and bypass complex obstacles in flood rescue scenarios, presenting significant challenges for developing optimal rescue paths. This study proposes a deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm incorporating four main mechanisms to address these issues. Dual-priority experience replays and backtrack punishment mechanisms enhance the precise estimation of area risks. Concurrently, random noisy networks and dynamic exploration techniques encourage the agent to explore unknown areas in the environment, thereby improving sampling and optimizing strategies for bypassing complex obstacles. The study constructed multiple grid simulation scenarios based on real-world rescue operations in major urban flood disasters. These scenarios included uncertain risk values for all passable areas and an increased presence of complex elements, such as narrow passages, C-shaped barriers, and jagged paths, significantly raising the challenge of path planning. The comparative analysis demonstrated that only the proposed algorithm could bypass all obstacles and plan the optimal rescue path across nine scenarios. This research advances the theoretical progress for urban flood rescue path planning by extending the scale of scenarios to unprecedented levels. It also develops RL mechanisms adaptable to various extremely complex obstacles in path planning. Additionally, it provides methodological insights into artificial intelligence to enhance real-world risk management.

PMID:39128862 | DOI:10.1111/risa.17599

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