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Research on privacy protection in the context of healthcare data based on knowledge map


Medicine (Baltimore). 2024 Aug 16;103(33):e39370. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000039370.


With the rapid development of emerging information technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things, the world has entered the era of big data. In the face of growing medical big data, research on the privacy protection of personal information has attracted more and more attention, but few studies have analyzed and forecasted the research hotspots and future development trends on the privacy protection. Presently, to systematically and comprehensively summarize the relevant privacy protection literature in the context of big healthcare data, a bibliometric analysis was conducted to clarify the spatial and temporal distribution and research hotspots of privacy protection using the information visualization software CiteSpace. The literature papers related to privacy protection in the Web of Science were collected from 2012 to 2023. Through analysis of the time, author and countries distribution of relevant publications, we found that after 2013, research on the privacy protection has received increasing attention and the core institution of privacy protection research is the university, but the countries show weak cooperation. Additionally, keywords like privacy, big data, internet, challenge, care, and information have high centralities and frequency, indicating the research hotspots and research trends in the field of the privacy protection. All the findings will provide a comprehensive privacy protection research knowledge structure for scholars in the field of privacy protection research under the background of health big data, which can help them quickly grasp the research hotspots and choose future research projects.

PMID:39151500 | DOI:10.1097/MD.0000000000039370

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