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Rostral cranial fossa and sinonasal neoplasms with cribriform plate involvement in 32 dogs and 17 cats


J Vet Diagn Invest. 2024 Aug 17:10406387241267899. doi: 10.1177/10406387241267899. Online ahead of print.


The rostral cranial fossa (RCF) consists of the sphenoid and ethmoid bones, which accommodate the olfactory bulbs and nerves along the recesses of the cribriform plate. Neoplasms located in the vicinities of the RCF can compress and/or invade the cribriform plate. Here we describe the clinical and pathologic findings of neoplasms involving the cribriform plate in 32 dogs and 17 cats autopsied over a 13-y period. The average ages of affected dogs and cats were 9.2 y and 9.7 y, respectively. No sex or breed predisposition was evident in dogs, but 13 of 18 cats were spayed females and 14 of 18 were domestic shorthair cats. The main clinical signs were seizures (10 cases) and epistaxis (5 cases) in dogs, and red-to-brown nasal discharge (5 cases) and seizures (4 cases) in cats. In dogs, the 22 sinonasal neoplasms included adenocarcinoma (14 cases), transitional carcinoma (4), squamous cell carcinoma (2), lymphoma (1), and histiocytic sarcoma (1); the 10 intracranial neoplasms consisted of high-grade gliomas (3 cases), psammomatous meningiomas (2), histiocytic sarcomas (2), olfactory neuroblastomas (2), and a meningeal granular cell tumor (1). In cats, the 14 sinonasal neoplasms included lymphoma (8 cases), adenocarcinoma (4), adenosquamous carcinoma (1), and squamous cell carcinoma (1); the 3 intracranial neoplasms consisted of oligodendroglioma (1), transitional meningioma (1), and olfactory neuroblastoma (1).

PMID:39152702 | DOI:10.1177/10406387241267899

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