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Scientific epistemology beliefs and acceptance of Traditional Chinese Medicine: A multigroup analysis based on the UTAUT model in Southern China


Heliyon. 2024 Jun 17;10(12):e33136. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e33136. eCollection 2024 Jun 30.


PURPOSE: This study for the first time delves into the intricate relationship between scientific literacy and the acceptance of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) by employing a multigroup path analysis based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. We adopted Scientific Epistemology Belief (SEB) as an indicator for measuring scientific literacy due to its comprehensive reflection of individuals’ understanding of scientific knowledge and knowing. In assessing TCM acceptance, we focused on Chinese parents’ receptivity towards pediatric TCM, as it offers a more genuine representation of actual inclinations.

METHODS: A convenience sample of 1016 Chinese parents in Southern China was assessed using online Likert-scale questionnaires on SEB and UTAUT determinants (including performance expectancy, social influence, risk awareness, and facilitating conditions). A K-means cluster analysis was employed to discern distinct SEB profiles, followed by a multigroup path analysis to ascertain UTAUT model variations across these profiles.

RESULTS: Five SEB profiles were identified, namely, intermediate, absolutistic, multiplistic, sophisticated, and evidence-based. Evidence-based believers manifested the highest pediatric TCM acceptance, albeit with elements of blind faith, while multiplistic skeptics, prone to questioning everything, displayed the least acceptance. The absolutistic, intermediate, and sophisticated demonstrated moderate TCM acceptance levels, with the intermediate profile outscoring both absolutistic and sophisticated. These findings highlight that individuals with high scientific literacy do not blindly endorse TCM, nor do those with limited scientific understanding fully appreciate TCM’s merits.

CONCLUSION: SEB significantly moderates TCM acceptance factors in the UTAUT model, indicating that extremes in scientific knowledge spectrum result in less balanced TCM perspectives. Our findings pave the way for novel insights into harmonizing modern and traditional medical practices.

PMID:39022003 | PMC:PMC11252763 | DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e33136

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