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Seasonality and sun exposure in incidence of major depression, bipolar disorder, and first-time use of antidepressant medication


Nord J Psychiatry. 2024 Jul 24:1-7. doi: 10.1080/08039488.2024.2379848. Online ahead of print.


INTRODUCTION: Seasonality in depressive and bipolar disorders, are recognized in the ICD-10/11 and DSM-5 diagnostic systems. The existence of a seasonal pattern of hospital diagnosis of major depression, bipolar disorder and prescription of antidepressant medications has not been evaluated in the Danish population.

METHODS: We retrieved date and year for all first-time hospital contacts with depression or bipolar disorder between 1999 and 2019, registered in the Danish National Patient Registry. Depression was defined using the ICD-10 F32-F33 codes, and for bipolar disorder the F30 or F31 codes. Date and year of all first-time purchases of antidepressant medications with ATC codes (N06A) between 1999 and 2021 were retrieved from the Danish National Prescription Registry, containing information on all prescribed drugs dispensed at pharmacies since 1995. Data on sunlight hours from 2012 to 2021 were retrieved from the Danish Metrological Institute.

RESULTS: Incidences of hospital diagnoses as well as purchases of medication varied with month and season. The monthly variations were larger for antidepressant medication and smallest for bipolar disorder. The multiple linear regression analysis showed that number of first-time diagnoses of depression or bipolar disorder did not correlate with season. For antidepressant medication the number of first-time prescriptions was significantly lower in summer compared to the winter season.

CONCLUSION: This study found a seasonal variation of first-time prescriptions of antidepressant medication. We did not find a seasonal variation in first-time hospital diagnoses. Further research looking into depression severity, polarity of bipolar illness episodes, lag-time for sunlight exposure, and specific parts of the yearly photoperiods should be conducted.

PMID:39046274 | DOI:10.1080/08039488.2024.2379848

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