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Self-Critical Perfectionism and Anxious and Depressive Symptoms Over 2 Years: Moderated Mediation Models of Anxiety Sensitivity and Experiential Avoidance


Behav Ther. 2024 Sep;55(5):974-989. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2024.02.001. Epub 2024 Feb 29.


This three-wave longitudinal study of 297 community adults (mean age = 38.66 years, 67% female) examined how anxiety sensitivity and experiential avoidance work together to explain the relation between perfectionism and anxious and depressive symptoms over 2 years. Participants completed measures of self-critical (SC) and personal standards (PS) higher-order dimensions of perfectionism, anxiety sensitivity, experiential avoidance, and anxious and depressive symptoms at Time 1. Participants completed measures of anxiety sensitivity, experiential avoidance, and symptoms again at Time 2 one year later, and symptoms measures again at Time 3 two years after baseline. Moderated mediation analyses showed that for those with higher Time 1 experiential avoidance, Time 1 SC perfectionism was indirectly related to Time 3 anxious arousal symptoms through Time 2 anxiety sensitivity. For those with moderate to higher Time 1 anxiety sensitivity, Time 1 SC perfectionism was indirectly associated with Time 3 general distress and anxious arousal symptoms through Time 2 experiential avoidance. These moderated mediation effects were not found for PS perfectionism. These results support anxiety sensitivity and experiential avoidance as moderating and mediating processes that may be important treatment targets for reducing vulnerability to anxious and depressive symptoms over the longer-term in SC perfectionistic individuals.

PMID:39174274 | DOI:10.1016/j.beth.2024.02.001

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