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Seven points as an estimate of the smallest subjectively experienced decrease in body satisfaction on a one-item Visual Analogue Scale


Body Image. 2024 Sep 10;51:101788. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2024.101788. Online ahead of print.


Visual Analogue Scales (VASs) are very commonly used to measure short-term effects on state body satisfaction, the in-the-moment subjective evaluation of one’s own body. However, VASs lack easily understood metrics for comparing and interpreting the size of different effects, with the result that researchers often conclude that any statistically significant change on these 101-point scales is practically important. In addition to test-retest reliability and construct validity, here we estimate the smallest subjectively experienced difference for a one-item body satisfaction VAS. Seven points of change on the VAS was a useful cut-off for distinguishing participants who subjectively experienced no change (n = 603) versus those who experienced at least a little decrease in body satisfaction (n = 301) between two timepoints. With reference specifically to media influences on body satisfaction, we show how the smallest subjectively experienced difference may be used as an easily interpreted effect size metric when comparing and interpreting the size of different effects, as well as determining who is, and who is not, subject to those effects. We highlight how having this metric available to researchers can aid in the exploration and communication of different short-term influences on state body satisfaction.

PMID:39260227 | DOI:10.1016/j.bodyim.2024.101788

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Seven points as an estimate of the smallest subjectively experienced decrease in body satisfaction on a one-item Visual Analogue Scale

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