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Spatial-temporal representation of the astroglial markers in the developing human cortex


Brain Struct Funct. 2024 Aug 17. doi: 10.1007/s00429-024-02850-z. Online ahead of print.


Specific spatiotemporal patterns of the normal glial differentiation during human brain development have not been thoroughly studied. Immunomorphological studies on postmortem material have remained a basic method for human neurodevelopmental studies so far. The main problem for the immunohistochemical research of astrogliogenesis is that now there are no universal astrocyte markers, that characterize the whole mature astrocyte population or precursors at each stage of development. To define the general course of astrogliogenesis in the developing human cortex, 25 fetal autopsy samples at the stages from eight postconceptional weeks to birth were collected for the immunomorphological analysis. Spatiotemporal immunoreactivity patterns with the panel of markers (ALDH1L1, GFAP, S100, SOX9, and Olig-2), related to glial differentiation were described and compared. The early S100 + cell population of ventral origin was described as well. This S100 + cell distribution deviated from the SOX9-immunoreactivity pattern and was similar to the Olig-2 one. In the given material the dorsal gliogenic wave was characterized by ALDH1L1-, GFAP-, and S100-immunoreactivity manifestation in the dorsal proliferative niche at the end of the early fetal period. The time point of dorsal astrogliogenesis was agreed upon not later than the 17 GW stage. ALDH1L1 + , GFAP + , S100 + , and SOX9 + cell expansion patterns from the ventricular and subventricular zones to the intermediate zone, subplate, and cortical plate were described at the end of early fetal, middle, and late fetal periods. The ALDH1L1-, GFAP-, and S100-immunoreactivity patterns were shown to be not completely identical.

PMID:39153086 | DOI:10.1007/s00429-024-02850-z

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