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The genetic association between bipolar disorder and dementia: a qualitative review


Front Psychiatry. 2024 Aug 20;15:1414776. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1414776. eCollection 2024.


Bipolar disorder is a chronic disorder characterized by fluctuations in mood state and energy and recurrent episodes of mania/hypomania and depression. Bipolar disorder may be regarded as a neuro-progressive disorder in which repeated mood episodes may lead to cognitive decline and dementia development. In the current review, we employed genome-wide association studies to comprehensively investigate the genetic variants associated with bipolar disorder and dementia. Thirty-nine published manuscripts were identified: 20 on bipolar disorder and 19 on dementia. The results showed that the genes CACNA1C, GABBR2, SCN2A, CTSH, MSRA, and SH3PXD2A were overlapping between patients with bipolar disorder and dementia. In conclusion, the genes CACNA1C, GABBR2, SCN2A, CTSH, MSRA, and SH3PXD2A may be associated with the neuro-progression of bipolar disorder to dementia. Further genetic studies are needed to comprehensively clarify the role of genes in cognitive decline and the development of dementia in patients with bipolar disorder.

PMID:39228919 | PMC:PMC11368786 | DOI:10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1414776

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