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The relationship between the Dark Triad and academic burnout mediated by perfectionistic self-presentation


Acta Psychol (Amst). 2024 Sep 19;250:104499. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2024.104499. Online ahead of print.


Individuals with dark personality traits are more prone to burnout, but this was not yet investigated in academia. Perfectionistic self-presentation (PSPS), an interpersonal expression of perfectionism, could be an explaining factor. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between the dark triad (Machiavellianism, vulnerable and grandiose narcissism, and psychopathy) and academic burnout, and whether the PSPS total score and its dimensions (perfectionistic self-promotion, nondisplay of imperfection, and nondisclosure of imperfection) mediates this. We expected that higher dark triad traits would be associated with higher academic burnout and that this would be explained by higher PSPS. Hypotheses included expectations for each PSPS dimension as well. Questionnaires were completed by 304 bachelor/master students (Mage = 22.81 years). Mediations were performed for each dark triad trait with total PSPS and each of its dimensions separately as mediator, and academic burnout as dependent variable. Total PSPS and almost all of its dimensions positively and significantly mediated the relation between Machiavellianism as well as psychopathy and academic burnout (small effect sizes). In contrast, only the PSPS dimension nondisplay of imperfection was a significant, positive mediator of the relation between grandiose narcissism and academic burnout (medium effect size). The other mediations with grandiose or vulnerable narcissism were non-significant. Future research should investigate this further, for instance by using the standard dark triad scales. Finally, this study offers insights for interventions and prevention of academic burnout by highlighting the unique impact of each dark triad trait. For example, those high on Machiavellianism may benefit from tools to deal with cynicism and perfectionism, ultimately lowering the risk for academic burnout.

PMID:39303584 | DOI:10.1016/j.actpsy.2024.104499

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