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The TeLeo Program: Tele-education in pediatric oncology as a tool to support training programs in Latin America


Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2024 Sep 19:e31335. doi: 10.1002/pbc.31335. Online ahead of print.


The TeLeo Program offers a free-access 2-year online learning program to support fellowship programs in pediatric oncology, enhance networking opportunities, and facilitate the exchange of context-specific, educational content within the pediatric oncology community in training in Latin America. In its first edition beginning in 2021, 185 fellows from 40 centers in 12 Latin American countries were enrolled. Additional courses for other healthcare professionals related to oncology in the region were produced to further support the program. A digital platform was created to allow users to easily access learning activities after registration, with 7075 professionals currently registered.

PMID:39300704 | DOI:10.1002/pbc.31335

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