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Tobacco cigarette smoking induces cerebrovascular dysfunction followed by oxidative neuronal injury with the onset of cognitive impairment


J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2024 Aug 13:271678X241270415. doi: 10.1177/0271678X241270415. Online ahead of print.


While chronic smoking triggers cardiovascular disease, controversy remains regarding its effects on the brain and cognition. We investigated the effects of long-term cigarette smoke (CS) exposure (CSE) on cerebrovascular function, neuronal injury, and cognition in a novel mouse exposure model. Longitudinal studies were performed in CS or air-exposed mice, 2 hours/day, for up to 60 weeks. Hypertension and carotid vascular endothelial dysfunction (VED) occurred by 16 weeks of CSE, followed by reduced carotid artery blood flow, with oxidative stress detected in the carotid artery, and subsequently in the brain of CS-exposed mice with generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and secondary protein and DNA oxidation, microglial activation and astrocytosis. Brain small vessels exhibited decreased levels of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), enlarged perivascular spaces with blood brain barrier (BBB) leak and decreased levels of tight-junction proteins. In the brain, amyloid-β deposition and phosphorylated-tau were detected with increases out to 60 weeks, at which time mice exhibited impaired spatial learning and memory. Thus, long-term CSE initiates a cascade of ROS generation and oxidative damage, eNOS dysfunction with cerebral hypoperfusion, as well as cerebrovascular and BBB damage with intracerebral inflammation, and neuronal degeneration, followed by the onset of impaired cognition and memory.

PMID:39136181 | DOI:10.1177/0271678X241270415

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