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Understanding the Role of Solvent on the Growth of Zinc Oxide: Insight from Experiment and Molecular Dynamics Simulations


Langmuir. 2024 Sep 3. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c00921. Online ahead of print.


The controlled synthesis of nanoparticles with tailored shapes and morphologies has garnered significant attention, driven by the ever-growing demand for advanced materials with defined properties. In nanoparticle formation, various parameters influence the final product, and among these, the solvent plays a pivotal role, as it constitutes the major component of the reaction medium. In this work, the critical role of solvents in controlling the growth of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles was investigated, with a focus on simple primary alcoholic solvents as the reaction medium. A model reaction based on the direct solvolysis of anhydrous zinc acetylacetonate was employed to probe the influence of different primary alcohols, specifically methanol, ethanol, and their mixture. A substantial difference in the preferential growth direction of the ZnO nanocrystals in methanol and ethanol was observed through XRD and was further proven through TEM. Thereby, in ethanol, a preferential growth in the [001] direction was observed, resulting in short nanorods as primary particles, while this growth was inhibited in methanol, leading to platelet- or sheet-like primary particles. To unravel the underlying mechanisms responsible for the observed solvent-dependent variations, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were employed using an optimized interface force field to model the ZnO-alcohol interaction. These simulations provide valuable insights into the preferential adsorption of the solvent molecules onto the polar (0001) and (0001̅) and nonpolar (101̅0) ZnO surfaces, shedding light on the fundamental interactions driving the shape control phenomenon. Essentially, the experimental observations on primary particle morphology could be explained well by the adsorption behavior determined by the MD simulations. Furthermore, this report provides an extensive comparison with various similar reaction systems for ZnO synthesis, deriving correlations with the findings from the model system. These insights contribute to a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between solvent properties and nanoparticle growth, offering a valuable toolkit for designing and optimizing the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles with specific shapes and functionalities.

PMID:39225692 | DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c00921

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