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Unravelling elder abuse through a human rights lens: a case study


Br J Nurs. 2024 Sep 5;33(16):772-777. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2024.0067.


This article examines the connection between human rights and elder abuse, employing a human rights-based approach. Through a critical examination of a fictional case study on elder abuse, the discussion highlights the vital role of nurses when safeguarding the rights of older individuals in residential care settings. The PANEL framework – encompassing Participation, Accountability, Non-discrimination, Empowerment and Legality – is a comprehensive guide for safeguarding practice and is applied to the example provided. By applying this human rights-based approach, nurses can proactively address elder abuse, ensuring individuals’ rights are protected, promoted and supported. Through accountability measures, non-discriminatory practices, empowerment strategies and adherence to legal standards, the authors advocate for a holistic approach to enhance the quality of care and foster a safe environment for older adults.

PMID:39250445 | DOI:10.12968/bjon.2024.0067

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