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Wars and the search for a safer world. The role of healthcare.


Recenti Prog Med. 2024 Sep;115(9):381-383. doi: 10.1701/4334.43175.


Wars destroy human rights, promoting violence as a means to resolve conflicts and cause profound direct and indirect health consequences for people. As important as it is that healthcare does not enter into the merits of the responsibilities for wars, it is equally important that healthcare places itself, in principle, in opposition to war. Despite the enormous impacts of wars and armed conflicts, global public health is poorly prepared to mitigate the threats of wars and armed conflicts. The tragedies, challenges and public health consequences of war are often overlooked and do not receive adequate attention from the international community. Healthcare should globally recognize wars and armed conflicts as a public health emergency and provide the required level of attention. Public health professionals should be aware of the impacts of wars, represent a single voice and coordinate in concerted efforts globally to stand in solidarity, without any discrimination, with conflict-affected communities by understanding their critical needs. Together we can be the voice that says “stop”, striving to build a safer world for all.

PMID:39269348 | DOI:10.1701/4334.43175

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