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Interkingdom biofilm of Streptococcus pyogenes and Candida albicans: establishment of an in vitro model and dose-response validation of antimicrobials


Biofouling. 2024 Aug 28:1-13. doi: 10.1080/08927014.2024.2395390. Online ahead of print.


Although Streptococcus pyogenes and Candida albicans may colonize tonsillar tissues, the interaction between them in mixed biofilms has been poorly explored. This study established an interkingdom biofilm model of S. pyogenes and C. albicans and verified the dose-response validation of antimicrobials. Biofilms were formed on microplates, in the presence or absence of a conditioning layer of human saliva, using Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth or artificial saliva (AS) as a culture medium, and with variations in the microorganism inoculation sequence. Biofilms grown in AS showed higher mass than those grown in BHI broth, and an opposite trend was observed for metabolism. The number of S. pyogenes colonies was lower in AS. Amoxicillin and nystatin showed dose-dependent effects. The inoculation of the two species at the same time, without prior exposure to saliva, and using BHI broth would be the model of choice for future studies assessing the effects of antimicrobials on dual S. pyogenes/C. albicans biofilms.

PMID:39193785 | DOI:10.1080/08927014.2024.2395390

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Interkingdom biofilm of Streptococcus pyogenes and Candida albicans: establishment of an in vitro model and dose-response validation of antimicrobials

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