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Laminar pattern of sensory-evoked dynamic high-frequency oscillatory activity in the macaque auditory cortex


Cereb Cortex. 2024 Aug 1;34(8):bhae338. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhae338.


High-frequency (>60 Hz) neuroelectric signals likely have functional roles distinct from low-frequency (<30 Hz) signals. While high-gamma activity (>60 Hz) does not simply equate to neuronal spiking, they are highly correlated, having similar information encoding. High-gamma activity is typically considered broadband and poorly phase-locked to sensory stimuli and thus is typically analyzed after transformations into absolute amplitude or spectral power. However, those analyses discard signal polarity, compromising the interpretation of neuroelectric events that are essentially dipolar. In the spectrotemporal profiles of field potentials in auditory cortex, we show high-frequency spectral peaks not phase-locked to sound onset, which follow the broadband peak of phase-locked onset responses. Isolating the signal components comprising the high-frequency peaks reveals narrow-band high-frequency oscillatory events, whose instantaneous frequency changes rapidly from >150 to 60 Hz, which may underlie broadband high-frequency spectral peaks in previous reports. The laminar amplitude distributions of the isolated activity had two peak positions, while the laminar phase patterns showed a counterphase relationship between those peaks, indicating the formation of dipoles. Our findings suggest that nonphase-locked HGA arises in part from oscillatory or recurring activity of supragranular-layer neuronal ensembles in auditory cortex.

PMID:39128941 | DOI:10.1093/cercor/bhae338

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